Monday, September 16, 2013

A Course in Machine Learning

By  | October 2, 2013
The following content is totally copied from the website of A Course in Machine Learning.
CIML is a set of introductory materials that covers most major aspects of modern machine learning (supervised learning, unsupervised learning, large margin methods, probabilistic modeling, learning theory, etc.). It’s focus is on broad applications with a rigorous backbone. A subset can be used for an undergraduate course; a graduate course could probably cover the entire material and then some.

This book is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it or re-use it under the terms of the CIML License online at You may not redistribute it yourself, but are encouraged to provide a link to the CIML web page for others to download for free. You may not charge a fee for printed versions, though you can print it for your own use.
Individual Chapters:
  1. Front Matter
  2. Decision Trees
  3. Geometry and Nearest Neighbors
  4. The Perceptron
  5. Machine Learning in Practice
  6. Beyond Binary Classification
  7. Linear Models
  8. Probabilistic Modeling
  9. Neural Networks
  10. Kernel Methods
  11. Learning Theory
  12. Ensemble Methods
  13. Efficient Learning
  14. Unsupervised Learning
  15. Expectation Maximization
  16. Semi-Supervised Learning
  17. Graphical Models
  18. Online Learning
  19. Structured Learning
  20. Bayesian Learning
  21. Back Matter

Saturday, September 7, 2013

What are the differences between pointers and references in C++?

Pointers and references look very different (pointers use * and ->, while references use .), but they seem to have the same function: both can be used to indirectly point to another object. So when should you use pointers vs. references?
  • The most important thing you should always remember is that, reference can never be assigned NULL directly. A reference has always to refer to an object. Therefore, if you need a variable that needs to point to nothing sometimes, then this variable should be declared as a pointer, not a reference. The fact that reference should always refer to an object makes the program more effective, because it doesn’t need to be tested null before usage.
  • A pointer can be re-assigned to another object, but a reference cannot. A reference must be assigned at initialization.
  • A pointer can points to a 2nd pointer, which points to a 3rd pointer, … This offers extra levels of indirection. Whereas a reference only offers one level of indirection.
  • Pointers can iterate over an array, you can use ++ to go to the next item, and +n to go to the (n+1)th element. This is no matter what size the object is that the pointer points to.
  • The last situation is that when you need to overload an operator, you should use references rather than pointers. A typical overloaded operator is [], by which an object should be returned. For example
    vector<int> v(10);
    v[5] = 10;
    If the operator [] returns a pointer, the last line would be
    *v[5] = 10;
    This would make v look like a vector of pointers.
Also, a pointer has its own memory address and size on the stack, whereas a reference shares the same memory address with the original variable. So it is safe to think of a reference as another name for the same variable. This difference is important, but I don’t think it is a reason when choosing references vs pointers.

Friday, September 6, 2013


Thanksgiving day


Thursday, September 5, 2013

When to use Comparable and Comparator?

By  | September 8, 2013

Programcreek demonstrates examples of using Comparable and Comparator. The next question will be when to use Comparable and Comparator. Here I list two basic rules (actually only the first one is really important):
  1. If there is a natural ordering of the object, then the class should implement Comparable, e.g., integers, strings (generally in the alphabet order), and points. On the other hand, if an object has multiple ways of ordering, then Comparator interface should be used to specify which way of sorting should take place. For example, HDTV in the Programcreek example can either be sorted by size or band name. In such case, Comparator is should be used. Another advantage is that Comparator can specify which parameter to be used for ordering. It then can be self descriptive. Hence, we can have SizeComparator and BandComparator for comparison, respectively.
  2. If you are not able to change the code of the object, which means you cannot implement Comparable, then Comparator is the only way left.
In summary, order of comparison is very important while implementing objects. Requirements may even change during implementing. For example, strings are generally compared alphabetically, but you may need to compare strings on their lengths as well. Therefore, designing of comparison needs to be very careful. In general, implement Comparable for natural order and write a Comparator for other needs.

Scale, Standardize, and Normalize data

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

MathJax with Blogger

MathJax in is useful when I need to input equation in my blog. This is a instruction and test of using MathJax in
  1. set template to "Simple". "Dynamic Views" seems not working.
  2. edit HTML by adding the following code between <head> and </head>.
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
  3. type math equation in the blog.
Note that, enclosing math in single $'s does not work. Instead, I use "\(" and "\)" for inline math and "\[" and "\]" for displayed math. For example:
will show an inline math "\(\frac{2}{3}\)", and
will show a displayed math \[z=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}\]

Monday, September 2, 2013

How to Read a Paper

S. Keshav, How to Read a Paper, ACM Computer Communication Review, July 2007.
In this 2-page paper, (Keshav, 2007) introduced a very practical and efficient three-pass method for reading research papers. He also described how to use this method to do a literature survey. S. Keshav is a professor in CS at the Univ of Waterloo. The above link points to the updated version of Aug 2, 2013.
Some sentences that I like:
If a reviewer cannot understand the gist after one pass, the paper will likely be rejected; if a reader cannot understand the highlights of the paper after five minutes, the paper will likely never be read. For these reasons, a ‘graphical abstract’ that summarizes a paper with a single well-chosen figure is an excellent idea and can be increasingly found in scientific journals.

SSH and Thunar

sshfs name@server:/path/to/folder /path/to/mount/point

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Top books for advanced level java developers

There are plenty of Java 101 books. But to those who have been using Java for several months or years, most of them may look too simple. However, advanced Java books are not always right at hand, not partially because they require more skills, experienced, and deep thinkers to write.

In this post, I would like to share my experience with only advanced level of Java, which means books like "Thinking in Java" or "Head First Java" won't be listed although they are very good for starters. Also I try to avoid listing Java books for specific software, frameworks or certifications, which I assume is not "pure" Java.

(This list will grow up gradually)

Java in a Nutshell

It is a more reference than a must read.

The elements of Java style

It is directed at anyone who writes Java code, by furnishing a set of rules for Java practitioners, by offering a collection of standards, conventions, and guidelines for writing solid Java code, and by illustrating how to write solid Java code that will be easy to understand, maintain, and enhance.

Effective Java

This book is really only for deeper understanding Java developer. It brings together seventy-eight indispensable programmer’s rules of thumb: working, best-practice solutions for the programming challenges you encounter every day.

The Java language specification

Written by the inventors of Java, this book not only provide complet and accurate converage of the language, but also includes formal rules of the language from the practical behavior of compilers. You may not get skills by reading it, but what if you want to cross the line and crack Java VM...

Design patterns: elements of reusableobject-oriented software

Actually, examples in this book were written in C++ or smalltalk, but so what? If you want to grow as a developer, you have know Design Patterns, to take advantages of the best practices and experience of others, and learn from those who have face the same problems. There are many other similar books, but they are just doing patching work.

The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master

Again, it is not a book for Java developer only. "The cool thing about this book is that it's great for keeping the programming process fresh. The book helps you to continue to grow and clearly comes from people who have been there."

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Markdown Editors

Friday, June 21, 2013

Install texlive 2012 on Ubuntu 12.04

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:texlive-backports/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Friday, May 10, 2013

How to change the title of an xterm

  • ESC]0;stringBEL – Set icon name and window title to string
  • ESC]1;stringBEL – Set icon name to string
  • ESC]2;stringBEL – Set window title to string
An xterm title of username@hostname: directory:
    echo -n "\033]0;${USER}@${HOST}\007"

For bash
    case $TERM in
            PS1="\[\033]0;\u@\h: \w\007\]bash\\$ "
            PS1="bash\\$ "

For zsh
    case $TERM in
            precmd () {print -Pn "\e]0;%n@%m: %~\a"}

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Install Oracle Java 7 on Ubuntu

1. install java
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer

2. switch java
sudo update-java-alternatives -l
sudo update-alternatives --config java
sudo update-alternatives --config javac

4. for Eclipse, in eclipse.ini

Ignoring DTD in XMLUnit

public static void onlyOnce() {


 // don't validate dtd
 DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
 try {
   dbf.setFeature("", false);
   dbf.setFeature("", false);
 } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {


Saturday, April 13, 2013

[转载]美国仙南渡国家公园 (Shenandoah National Park) 游记

春 夏秋冬四季,每个人的感受是不一样的。比如说秋季于我来说,确实给我以金色的感受,它代表一种收获、成熟和风韵。在老家时爬过好多次岳麓山,在北京五年半 近六年,风光优美的香山也游过两次,那时只知疯玩,不辨菽麦和枫叶红叶,往往是身在其中但是不觉其美;然而一旦这些离我远去,脑海之中剩下的,就只有一片 猩红,似觉不再可及企,无奈只好尘封在记忆深处。然而这尘封了的一片猩红,在我沉醉于 Shenandoah 的秋色后,又被重新唤醒,从我记忆深处走了出来。

去 年刚来这里时还是人生地不熟的,自然错过了赏秋的最佳时节,这份遗憾一直让我耿耿于怀。今年秋季一到,我就时班不时留意附近树叶颜色的变化,绿色的、红色 的、黄色的,总是蠢蠢地担心叶子一晚上会全部枯萎、飘去,化为尘泥。据别人介绍,又上网查询了一些资料,知道 Shenandoah 国家公园 (Shenandoah NP) 是看红叶的最佳地点之一,也是离东部各大城市最近的一个国家公园。看红叶的最佳时节是在十月的中下旬,尽管学业紧张,但还是决定忙里偷闲,释放一下久被压 抑的郁闷心情,于是选择十月下旬的一个周末和几个朋友一起去 Shenandoah NP。

Shenandoah NP 位于阿巴拉契亚山脉东支的顶端,起伏于崇山峻岭之间。阿巴拉契亚山脉是美国东部最主要的山脉,长约一千多公里,宽度一百到两百多公里,在大部分地段是几条 平行的山脉的统称。阿巴拉契亚山脉上开辟有两个国家公园: 大雾山 (Great Misty) 和 Shenandoah 国家公园,这也是美国东部各州中仅有的六个国家公园之中的两个。Shenandoah国家公园位于弗吉尼亚州,和西弗吉尼亚州交接的边界线不远,这一带阿 巴拉契亚山脉最东的一支被称为蓝岭山脉(Blue Ridge Mountains),再往西就是 Shenandoah 山脉,两者相距几十公里,中间有两条很弯曲的小河,各自蜿蜒在蓝岭山脉的东侧和 Shenandoah 山脉的西侧,都称为 Shenandoah 河,向北注入 波多马克河 (Potomac River),经华盛顿市区注入马里兰州的大西洋海湾。已故的著名乡村歌手约翰*丹佛 (John Denver) 的名曲“乡村之路,带我回家” (Country Road, Take me Home) 里这样唱道:

Almost Heaven, West Virginia,
Blue Ridge Mountain, Shenandoah River.
Life is old there, older than the trees,
Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze... 

就 是描述的这一带。不过 Shenandoah NP 不是按照其名位于 Shenandoah 山脉上,而是在蓝岭山脉上。公园狭长,南北约105英里 (约170公里),东西宽只有数公里不等。有一条约八十年前开辟的公路,纵横南北,称为 Skyline 公路 (意为天际线),海拔大约在900-1200米之间,在山顶曲折蜿蜒。天际线公路沿线有一百多个大小不一的风景观赏点 (称为Lookout),一般都建在欣赏角度比较开阔的山角拐弯处,每个风景观赏点都有十来个或者更多的泊车位置,可以停下来鸟瞰山下的枫叶、红叶、池 塘、小河,以及农牧场和大小城镇;也可以下车去徒步爬山,露营或者野炊,观赏奇山异石和山泉流水小瀑布,或者野生动植物,以及早期印第安人的生活遗迹和独 立战争等时期留下的历史遗迹。据旅游小册子上的介绍,这里有一些名贵的动植物。动物以品种不一的小鹿最常见,温驯可人,其中以弗吉尼亚白尾鹿最常见;其它 较珍贵的动物还包括黑熊、红色背脊的火蜥蜴、公主蝴蝶、盒状乌龟等。共约有四百多种稀有植物,其中以断蕨、货架状蘑菇、甜桦树、毒藤、蝴蝶奶草、血根花、 飞毒草、珍珠花等最有名。蓝岭山脉是世界上最古老的山脉之一,一度甚至高过落基山脉,不过由于地壳相对平静,禁不住雨打风吹,最高处海拔也只有四千多英尺 了。沿着天际线公路由北到南共有七十多座山峰,在“旧抹布山峰” (Old Rag Mountain),有些花岗岩已经存在了十多亿年之久,它们是已经发现的最古老的花岗石之一。正是:


我 们计划了两天的行程,早好多天就在位于公园中北部山脚的露瑞 (Luray) 小镇预定了旅馆。阿巴拉契亚山脉虽然不高,远不如西部的落基山脉和喀斯喀特山脉,但是很古老,大多形成于十二亿年或者更早的年代,但是不乏陡峭险峻之地, 这一带也因此有许多著名的溶洞,其中以位于肯塔基州的 Mammoth 溶洞国家公园最为著名。在 Shenandoah NP 的山脚也有两个著名的溶洞,其一位于露瑞,另一位于公园北入口的 Front Royal,两者之间只相距二十多公里,各具特色,门票价格也差不多,约十四美元。 露瑞是个小镇,在两座山脉之间的峡谷处,几十条小马路,估计只有两千人口,是随着露瑞溶洞而发展起来的小城市,也是附近农牧产品的集散地。不过两个溶洞都 没有划入 Shenandoah 国家公园系统。露瑞溶洞实际上是私人拥有,它以钟乳石乐器 (Stalacpipe Organ) 这个景点最为著名,这也是世界上最大的天然乐器。Stalacpipe Organ 是1954年由 Sprinkle 所领导的小组历时三年开发而成的,Sprinkle 本人是在五角大楼国防部工作的数学家和电子学专家。他测量了周围许多钟乳石柱的音阶、音质和音量等,安置了许多琴弦、电缆和包扎有橡皮的鼓槌等,音乐由鼓 槌击打钟乳石发出。当然,由于面积很大,几乎有四英亩,这一切必须由电子设备控制,但是原理和钢琴类似,而且操作演示平台就是一架钢琴的式样。

游 览溶洞也列在我们这次旅行计划之中,但是由于时间紧迫,连同旅途我们也只有两天的时间,所以我们只能择一而游,这次就是冲着这个天然乐器而舍弃了 Front Royal 溶洞。不过除了奇石外,露瑞溶洞也给我些许失望,主要原因是其人工色彩过于浓厚,而我喜欢原汁原味的大自然,偏爱那种静谧流韵之美,不喜欢过多的人工痕 迹。由于溶洞属于私人拥有,商业化了的铜臭就成了其主调,一如现在的冷水江波月洞和湘西的张家界,给装扮得光怪陆离,原先的雅静清幽不见了,首先映入匆忙 的游人眼帘的是一派灯红酒绿。被利益所世俗化了的不只是我等集市上喧嚣的人群,连同这等山清水秀之地也一同俗气化,空负洞里那些山水砌成的邀云乘鹤一般的 仙人。我们草草游了露瑞溶洞包括钟乳石乐器在内的几个景点,然后在镇上草草吃了一顿麦当劳快餐,就沿着 211号公路向东约十公里,缴纳十五美元的门票 (每辆车15美元,有效期一周),进入 Shenandoah NP。露瑞在公园的中北部,离北入口约四分之一的里程,由于时值下午,于是我们计划将车向北开,先游玩以北的一小段,然后转回露瑞小镇的旅馆,第二天再游 览南部的一段,如果时间允许,还计划下车去登山,欣赏更好的流水和岩石。

汽 车在海拔900-1200米左右的蓝岭山脉顶端的天际线公路蜿蜒而行。天际线公路是单行道马路,限速每小时35英里 (约56公里),加上天公作美,上午虽然阴雨绵绵,下午却是阳光明媚,和风习习;打开窗户,习习秋风吹在脸上,竟然毫无萧萧瑟瑟之感,反而给人一种欢畅的 惬意。道路两旁有很多高耸入云的原始乔木,主要为冷杉和北美冷杉,它们又直又高,柔韧异常,树冠直伸到离地一百多英尺的高空中,傲立寒风而无悔无惧,特别 是那些长于荒石之中的,依着峭壁而耸天而立,悠悠千百年,让人直叹生命的顽强和不屈不挠,应和着峭壁的鬼斧神工,让心灵以无以复加的震撼,顿觉自己的渺小 和苍白。此外还有生长茂密的松柏树、红木树和数量很多的冬树,以及品种不一的红叶树、紫叶树和枫树。道路在浓密的森林里沿着山势曲折前行,大部分的地方都 尽力保持自然生态,并没有多少人工痕迹,如披着纱巾的少女,羞答答地,安然恬静,远离尘嚣,与世无争。站在沿途的 Lookout 朝前方俯瞰,远处是一道隐隐青山 (阿巴拉契亚山脉西支),山脚是雾气缭绕着的农庄牧场,偶有成群的牛羊,以及蓝色如同流淌着的梦幻一般的 Shenandoah 小河,山腰处则是一望无际的秋叶风光图画。夕阳晚照下,只见媚绿、金黄、醉紫、丹红,各种各样的颜色尽染层林,任凭雾气缭绕,秋枫流丹。忽然想起了杜牧老 爷子的诗歌:“远上寒山石径斜,白云生处有人家。停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。”诗意不分古今中外,杜老爷子这首诗也正是 Shenandoah NP 秋色的最好写照。

考古发现这里九千年前就有人类活动的踪迹,虽然不能肯定是印第安人留下的。不过对现在公园景观影响比较大的,还是 早年当地的印第安人和大约250年前在这里定居的欧洲殖民者,以及随后发生的一些战争,其中包括一次涉及数万军队的惨烈战斗。印第安人和欧洲殖民者曾经一 度大规模地伐木用于建房、取暖、造纸,山林地貌遭到很大程度的破坏。联邦政府在上世纪三十年代立法在蓝岭山脉设立 Shenandoah 国家公园时,这一带的森林覆盖率不足 80%。弗吉尼亚州政府历时十年,从当地居民那里征购土地,安置需要迁徙的农牧民,才初步建立起了公园,然后捐赠给联邦政府,给罗斯福政府奉献了一份厚 礼。蓝岭山脉这一带的风光并不是美国最好的,但是它离首都很近,是故还是有很特别的意义。当时世界处于经济大萧条时代,富兰克林*罗斯福总统为了提高民族 的自信心和凝聚力,亲自去 Shenandoah 山谷和天际线公路 (Skyline Drive) 视察露营,极大地鼓舞了当时国民那种萧瑟瑟的情绪。著名的CCC组织 (Civilian Conservation Corps) 在军队和当地居民的协助下先后义务设立了许多营地,为天际线公路的顺利开通奉献了自己辛勤的汗水。现在,即使公园在2000年惨遭一场历时近两周的大火的 屠戮,Shenandoah NP 的森林覆盖率仍然超过了 95%。

第 二天一大早我们就从旅馆出发,不一会儿就来到了 Skyland,这里也是天际线最高点,附近的 Stony Man 山峰也是整个蓝岭山脉的最高点,也以山泉和瀑布著称。就秋色来说,整个公园由北到南其实都差不多,考虑到天色尚早,我们并且决定下车,到附近登山探险。天 际线附近就是著名的阿巴拉契亚探险道,长达一千多公里。踩着林中厚厚的一层落叶和腐殖质,许多老树横倒在林中,上面结满了青苔、墨耳和蘑菇。林下偶能见些 兀自泛绿的本草类植物,山水间原始乔木林梢偶尔传来一两声不知名的鸟鸣,应和着自山峰而下的山泉瀑布声,更增立体感,更显得清脆悦耳,回肠荡气,婉转悠 扬。深秋的飞鸟几声随意鸣唱,竟然源自这山峰最高处,那个我无法及企的高度。在十九世纪八十年代早期,一个十六岁的少年郎,名叫乔治*弗里曼*帕罗克 (George Freeman Pollock),为了采集地质标本而在这一带扎营。后来,经过许多失败和努力,这个少年成功地将这里辟为了一个暑期度假胜地,在1895年时这里已经建 设得远近知名了。他将这个营地命名为“石人之营”(Stony Man Camp),后来石人之营更名为 Skyland (亦即天际之地)。他并没有去效仿当时流行的休闲胜地的经营模式,例如那些位于纽波特的休闲别墅和缅因州的贵族营地,帕罗克将基调定为田园牧歌式,并且开 设了许多营地节目,例如中世纪的马术比赛、篝火晚会、印第安人民族舞蹈等,此举获得空前成功,吸引了大批来自费城、华盛顿、巴尔的摩等地的职业人士和中上 层社会精英来这里消闲度假。帕罗克的 Skyland 历史变迁也记载了美国社会历史的变迁,时尚、口味、道德伦理、女性的社会地位等。美国历史短暂,不足以和博大精深、源远流长的中华历史相提并论,但是它就 发生在眼前,就发生在昨天,细密无间,品味起来自有一份详实和亲切感。

石 人之营 (亦即 Skyland) 附近除了山石和营地外,以六个首尾相顾的山泉瀑布最为著名。六个瀑布起起落落,第一个和最后一个相距有好几公里。择一而赏,向上放眼望去,只见从略显陡峭 的乱石头壁崖之上倾泄下几股清泉,规模不大,或稀疏或浓密,击石之声似声乐,自是泠泠自成天韵,润物细无声。仿佛这诺大的公园之所以山灵水秀,都仗这这些 天泉昼夜不息的陶冶和洗涤。而那些任凭流水洗涤的残石,或圆滑温润、雅韵灵性自如如,或险峻如刀削,纵横纹路,满是绿藓苍苔,沉默寡言,似乎千百年来不曾 移动过身子,生生世世呵护着山泉,生怕失去了她,让她蒙受惊吓。不知这清清的山泉瀑布,几生几世能流进山下蓝蓝的 Shenandoah 河水?山泉之韵于我而言,仿佛一首不绝的少女之歌,情窦初开的那种,悠然我心,不问山外花开花谢,唱得青山千年后悄然老去,唱得日子一天一天地飘去,年复 一年,唱得我的短暂青春也终将逝去,而她却依然不知不觉,悠悠绿水永长流。

Texlive and CJK

  1. suppose texlive and CJK is installed correctly
  2. install fontforge
    sudo apt-get install fontforge
  3. download font.tar.bz2
  4. prepare font song.ttc, and generate font files
    fontforge -script simsun.ttc song Unicode.sfd
  5. create bash script, run the script to generate map file
    if [ -f ]; then
    for i in *.tfm
        echo "${i%.tfm} ${i%.tfm} <${i%.tfm}.pfb" >>
  6. create c70song.fd
    % This is c70song.fd for CJK package.
    % created by Edward G.J. Lee
    % modify by Yue Wang
    \DeclareFontFamily{C70}{song}{\hyphenchar \font\m@ne}
    \DeclareFontShape{C70}{song}{m}{n}{<-> CJK * song}{}
    \DeclareFontShape{C70}{song}{bx}{n}{<-> CJKb * song}{\CJKbold}
  7. check system conf file location
    kpsewhich texmf.cnf
  8. change TEXMFHOME to
    TEXMFHOME = $HOME/texmf
  9. change TEXMFDBS to
  10. mimic texmf tree and copy fonts and configs. texmf should match those in TEXMFHOME
    mkdir -p ~/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/CJK
    mkdir -p ~/texmf/fonts/tfm/CJK/song
    mkdir -p ~/texmf/fonts/type1/CJK/song
    mkdir -p ~/texmf/tex/latex/CJK/UTF8
    cp   ~/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/CJK
    cp *.tfm      ~/texmf/fonts/tfm/CJK/song
    cp *.pfb      ~/texmf/fonts/type1/CJK/song
    cp c70song.fd ~/texmf/tex/latex/CJK/UTF8
  11. update system conf
    sudo texhash
  12. in $HOME/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/, append content in

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How to adjust height of an old Steelcase chair (454311M)?

The chairs do not have the pneumatic mechanism to adjust the height of the chair. The height is adjusted by turning the chair in circles around the base. The base post contains a screw mechanism that gives 2-3″ of adjustment.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bash IO redirection

> filename
>> filename
1> filename
1>> filename
2> filename
2>> filename
&> filename
2>> &1

Monday, March 11, 2013

Cygwin SSH tip

if you use ssh-keygen to generate public key, use ssh-copy-id, and get the following msg while logging in remote device,
permission for id_rsa are too open
1. cd .ssh
2. chmod 600 id_rsa known_hosts

if you can not change the permission of id_rsa, try
1. chgrp -r Users id_rsa
2. chmod 600 id_rsa

if you define hostname aliases in SSH config, and get msg
Bad owner or permissions on /home/[username]/.ssh/config
1. chgrp -r Users config
2. chmod 600 config

Friday, February 22, 2013

Mount Nikon D5100 on Ubuntu 12.10

0. install gphoto2 

1. lsusb

Bus 001 Device 003: ID 046d:c31c Logitech, Inc. Keyboard K120 for Business
Bus 002 Device 007: ID 04b0:0429 Nikon Corp.
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 03f0:a407 Hewlett-Packard
Bus 002 Device 004: ID 03f0:0d17 Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 1012

2. gvfs-mount "gphoto2://[usb,002,007]", with quotes
    002 is the Bus number, 007 is the Device number

3. check /run/user/[username]/gvfs or ~/.gvfs

Monday, February 18, 2013

How to install Fcitx on Kubuntu

  1. sudo apt-get install fcitx kde-config-fcitx fcitx-ui-classic fcitx-googlepinyin
  2. im-switch -s fcitx -z default
  3. fcitx -r
  4. run qtconfig, in "Interface", choose "Default Input Method" to "fcitx"